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MacroBaby Dolls Maternity is a magical place where children and adults can adopt reborn baby dolls in a nursery room in Orlando, FL

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Watch how the little
ones take on the role of
nurturing parents
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The Experience

The Experience

The nurse will assist you and your children in selecting the perfect baby doll for your family. After you've made your choice, it's time to give your new addition a name.

We delight in observing the interactions between children during this special moment and witnessing the joy reflected in their eyes as they select a companion to nurture.

Reborn Dolls Matenrity Orlando

Picking Your Baby Doll

The chosen baby is measured and weighted. The nurse will hear the baby's heartbeat, examine ears and conduct a "heel prick" test to ensure a healthy baby.

Adopt a reborn doll in Orlando

Baby’s heartbeat

After all procedures, the adoption paperwork is signed and the Birth Certificate is issued, which includes baby's name, place, and date of birth, and parent and grandparent's names.